We’ve got ourselves another birthday boy, Peter K. O’Connell! Break out the party balloons and noise makers. Bake up the cake, scoop out some ice cream and don’t be stingy on the sprinkles! PETER K. O’CONNELL is having a birthday today! Happy Birthday Peter from all your friends and male voice-over peers at MVO: The … Read More
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys NFL Showdown Week 17
The rivalry that is featured in the last regular season match up of MVO: The Voice-Over Guy’s 2015 NFL Showdown has been “on” since 1961. You can say that it’s because Green Bay and Minnesota are geographically close or because both teams are in the same division. But things only truly got interesting when Green … Read More
Today’s Voice-Over Zen by Scott Burns
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys are pleased to bring you Voice-Over Zen. Our motto for this series is “Zen there, done that.” Today’s Voice-Over Zen is brought to you by SCOTT BURNS.
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys NFL Showdown Week 16
It’s a battle of the “New’s” in Week 17 of MVO: The Voice-Over Guy’s NFL Showdown. CHUCK DAVIS leads New England to take on New York and CHRISTIAN ROSSELLI….in East Rutherford, NJ. That’s right, both “New York” teams play in New Jersey. There is only ONE true New York State football team. Just thought you’d, … Read More
Today’s Voice-Over Zen by Tom Test
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys are pleased to bring you Voice-Over Zen. Our motto for this series is “Zen there, done that.” Today’s Voice-Over Zen is brought to you by TOM TEST.
Merry Christmas From The Voice-Over Guys!
To be able to do the thing we love (voice-over), get paid for it, work for nice people (like you) and work within a group of even nicer people (MVO’ers) is a rare and fortunate thing. For all our collective silliness, we understand our good fortune and do not take it for granted. Nonetheless, we … Read More
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys Support #Cans4Cans
Over at Benztown, their are running their 2nd Annual #Cans4Cans promotion to raise food donations and awareness of the L.A. Food Bank. All anyone has to do is take a picture of themselves with their headphones on (aka “Cans” in the audio recording industry) and Benztown will donate a can of food to the L.A. Food … Read More
Today’s Voice-Over Zen by Johnny George
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys are pleased to bring you Voice-Over Zen. Our motto for this series is “Zen there, done that.” Today’s Voice-Over Zen is brought to you by JOHNNY GEORGE.
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys NFL Showdown Week 14
Week 14 of MVO: The Voice-Over Guys’ NFL Showdown marks the first time this year that Arizona pops up on the calendar, this time to host Minnesota. The 2nd nicest man in voice-over, BOB SOUER, will again support his boyhood team while JOHNNY GEORGE supports his new favorite team Arizona.
Today’s Voice-Over Zen by Bob Souer
MVO: The Voice-Over Guys are pleased to bring you Voice-Over Zen. Our motto for this series is “Zen there, done that.” Today’s Voice-Over Zen is brought to you by BOB SOUER.