EDITOR’S NOTE: CHUCK DAVIS, one of  MVO: The Voice-Over Guys, does network TV promo work…but for a network you might not have heard of. For “Inside The Voice-Over Booth”Chuck tells the story how he rises early in America to voice for an Indian TV network.

As a voiceover talent, one of the first things you realize is that timing is everything.

As in “the early bird gets the worm?”

In the past year no experience has underscored that concept more than my latest network television promo contract.

You see, I’m the network promo voice for Star World and FX….in India.

Where the timing comes in, is the fact that India is nine and one half hours ahead of my eastern time zone in the US.  For me, that means getting up at 6am and checking email as I grab a cup of coffee, then heading straight up to the booth to record the latest promos for “The Goldbergs”, “The Simpsons”, “MasterChef”, “Modern Family”…the list goes on.

My early deliveries to the editors in Mumbai have them busy in their editing suites by about 5pm, their time. By the way, just to throw a cool number out there, Star World is the largest English language network in India with a potential audience of over a billion. Makes it that much easier to roll out of bed…and right into the booth.

What a way to start the day!

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