MVO: The Voice-Over Guys’ likes to check-in with our male voice talents and today we talk with BRAD VENABLE about a recent voiceover project he voiced.

pepsi1. Can you tell us about a recent voiceover project you’ve recently enjoyed working on? Who was it for?

It was for PepsiCo. You might have noticed emoji on the sides of cans and bottles of all the Pepsi beverages this summer. That was the campaign that i voiced!

2.  What was the project all about? 

PepsiCo had used the emoji campaign in international markets last summer, so they expanded it to the US based on the successful response globally.

3. How did the project come to you? Agent? Website? Past client?

I received the audition through my Austin agent, Erik Sheppard at Voice Talent Productions.

4. What was the most interesting or enjoyable part of this project for you? 

The fact that I was there only voice attached to the campaign.

You see, the national TV campaign consisted of five-second ads that showed the emoji-laden bottles and cans doing cool and funny things. No VO, just sound design.

So the radio campaign was my place to explain what it was all about. It was a really great spot, and it tapped into a new style of upbeat read for me. That made it all the more fun and exciting. And I got to work with PepsiCo, which was a real treat.

So, I got to work with a wonderful global brand and it helped me tap in to a new performance? Yeah, it was a win-win.

Listen to Brad Venable’s Pepsi Emoji Radio Commercial Here…


He was once described as “holding down the XY…both generations…and chromosomes.” Brad smiled at the appropriately geeky compliment.

Brad talks for a living. Incessantly.

You’ve probably heard Brad’s voice at least twice in your life and never even knew it, because Brad’s voice is heard on everything attached to a speaker. One day, you may be near Brad, and then you’ll hear him even without a speaker.

Somewhere in the world, he’s probably talking right now, and that’s oddly comforting. He could be talking somewhere, and yet could be sleeping at the same time. *mimes ‘mind blown’*

What Will Rogers said about liking the weather in Oklahoma could apply to someone who said they’ve never heard Brad’s voice: “Just wait.”

Computer tech, comic book collector, pop culture nerd, and avid gamer, Brad covers about every sub-culture cliché known to man, and can still sound like the don’t-dare-call-him-coolest hipster to ever wear clothes ironically. Now that’s irony for you.

Brad lives most of his life in a box, yet was not actually the inspiration for the Alice in Chains song. That was a point that needed clarifying.

Brad loves what he does, and does what he loves, with his beautiful wife Katie always by his side. Except when she’s at work. Then she’s not quite by his side.

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